Pressflex Magazine Services

Interactive magazin of 2003: again no business criteria

January 19, 2003 The UK's PPA has published its categories for the annual Magazine of the Year award. In the interactive cartegories (one for consumer, one for business mags), "judges will be looking for excellence in the development of an interactive product by a magazine publisher. Account will be taken of content, interactivity, and leverage of the brand within the market in which the product operates." Who cares?

We suggest the addition of another, all important criteria: the site that contributes the most to the bottom line of the parent magazine either directly or in terms of subscriptions. That would be worth paying attention to. The PPA would do a major service to its members by introducing such a category: most of them would have a lot to learn from the winners.

Nominations for the sleeping pill categories are due Jan. 30.


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